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North-South Inversion? European Exodus


Paulo Victor Silva Rodrigues

Acadêmico do 5º semestre.

The economy crisis that started in 2007/8 hit strongly the European countries, in special the Eurozone Members. Deficits of national bills, growing of unemployment figures, austerity measures, those and other issues are easily found currently and deeply debated into countries which are facing the crisis. Nevertheless, over the last century, those countries which are suffering financial difficulties were desired destinies by the citizens from the South countries – non-geographic, in other words, from the countries considered underdeveloped – who sought better opportunities of job, high level of education and improvement in life quality.

However, what it is happening recently is an inversion. It’s notorious the actual development experienced by the emergent countries, many of them are growing up above the global average, like China. Meanwhile, the developed countries which have a high degree of industrialization – highlighting to European Union Members – are rising either below of average or stagnant. Notice the immigration growth of people from the North countries – developed – to the South countries, mainly to the emergent ones, for instance: BRICS (Formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).

Previously considered backward countries, they are nowadays providing a lot of opportunities of job in many sectors, and the european people – most of them qualified – are getting job into the emergent countries. Brazil has been receiving in the last three years many orders job visas and Portugal represents a considerable percentage of them, for example.

Yet, the nations which are receiving those foreign people consequently are losing to the immigrants employment positions which would be occupied for its citizens, because even with the economy ‘boom’ that they are living, social rates, like HDI, does not evolved in same proportions. In other words, the rates of education quality and the income distribution are not close of the countries which are facing the crisis, causing this way a lack of qualified demand to occupy good jobs, forcing so the businessmen ‘’to import’’ qualified manpower that ally to unemployment in Europe have been helping those foreign people to get job.

What to do in front of this scenario, affected by the economy crisis in Europe and by the progressive development of South countries?

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